Our Florida
campground would be a lot quieter if it wasn’t for our Canadians. Not that I’m
complaining, they’re not wild and crazy, but they clearly come here for winter
with a "have fun" attitude.
Just this week we were witness to two displays of their exuberance
for life.
Every Friday a makeshift band (Jammers as they are known
in the campgrounds) performs here at Southern Comfort. It’s actually pretty
amazing how these amateur musicians become a band in a few short weeks.
The 2018 Southern Comfort band |
One of the interesting things about their performance is the
varied genre of songs, this years band plays Pop ballads from the 70’s, classic
country, song’s sung in French as well as English and even teen Tragedy songs
from the late 50’s/early 60’s. When was the last time you heard “Patches” sung
by a County Rock and Roll French Canadian American
Our Canadian neighbor Susanne |
Every year on Fat Tuesday the campground hosts a Mardi Gras
parade. I suspect most of the costumed participants are our neighbors from the
north. They’re just having too much fun to be American!
Jell-O Shooters for everyone! |
One of the parade members was handing out “Jell-O Shooters”
When I told Millie that a Shooter had vodka in it, she said “Oh good, I’ve
never had one, it’s another thing I can check off my bucket list!”
Good girl gone bad! |