Thursday, January 25, 2018

You just gotta love South Florida in a winter like this!

Sunday January 23 2017

We have been in south Florida for almost 3 weeks and I have nothing blog-worthy to write about. This is odd and somewhat troubling because while I’m not an eloquent or skilled orator, Millie says when I write I can turn driving directions into a chapter of “Gullivers travels!”

As I’ve said many times here on the blog, there is not a much in south Florida except good weather. Just like the rest of the continental US it has been cooler than normal here, 50’s at night and barely breaking low 70’s during the day. That cold snap appears to have broken and we are experiencing warm nights and day time 80’s. I hope the polar vortex will continue to swing north for you folks as well. 


Millie and I continue our gym routine, but have dropped Planet Fitness and just go to the Y. We started going to PF on Mondays and Fridays for exercise. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we went to the Y where Millie did Yoga or aerobics classes and I did my gym regiment on the machines and weights. We can do it all at the Y and it’s a lot closer to the campground.

I got to spend a couple hours in heaven last Saturday, no I didn’t have a near death experience, I went to the Miami Gun show. I bought a couple accessories and got a good deal on some reloaded ammo. I can burn thru some ammunition at the gun range and the next time my son comes to town we will shoot the mini 14. It will really spit out the brass, so I took advantage of the sale and stocked up.

As far as projects go; I have waxed my truck and installed a tile back-splash in the kitchen of the motorhome. I am planning on waxing the motorhome but can’t seem to get started on that. Millie is working on a quilting project, she has the material cut and is ready to start stitching it all together.

We watch old DVD movies most every night, Netflix or Prime movies burns thru our Verizon data plan and the campground Wifi is overburdened and slow. We buy the DVD’s at flea markets and thrift stores, usually for a dollar or two, three is the most I will pay.

If there is one thing I miss about home, its cable internet. We rarely watch network TV at home, instead we watch Netflix or Prime. We like British TV shows, especially the detective shows, PBS specials, and movies. 

Here’s a strange TV ritual Millie and I have, at home the last thing we watch every night is a Youtube video of Merle Haggard’s two son’s Ben and Noah performing one of his hit’s, “The running kind.”

That’s all for now, just wanted to let you know we are alive and well!

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