Monday, June 18, 2018

Memorial Dedication

195th AHC Memorial at Fort Rucker

Friday May 19th 2018

Fort Rucker or Mother Rucker as its affectionately called is the primary flight training base for Army Aviation and is home to the United States Army Aviation Museum.

Combat action display in the museum

There are approximately 50 aircraft on display at any one time. The collection includes helicopters, fixed wing aircraft used by the army and other vertical flight aircraft. It is well worth a visit to anyone interested in aviation and especially army helicopters. See more information on the museum at this link, 

This is the same type helicopter I flew on in Vietnam (Charlie model gunship)

We’re here for the dedication of a monument in the memorial garden on the grounds of the museum. Thanks to the internet many veterans have been able to reconnect with comrades from past military service. The men of the 195th Assault Helicopter Company were early to embrace technology and have been reunited online for many years. A while back, the idea to install a memorial to our fallen comrades at the museum was posted on our website. (Sorry our site is private) 

Alumni of the 195th Assault Helicopter Company

The process of fund raising, designing the monument, getting it approved by the army, contracting with a stonemaker and coordinating the ceremony with the post has take two years. 

Family, friends and old soldiers gather for the dedication

On Friday May 18 2018 at 10am over 100 comrades, friends and family members gathered in the memorial Park to pay tribute to our fallen brothers who made the ultimate sacrifice while engaged in aerial combat.  

Two former members of the 195th unveil the monument

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