Saturday, September 29, 2018

Leaving Los Alamos

Los Alamos New Mexico to Flagstaff Arizona (415 miles)

Monday September 24 2018

We were on track for our traditional 9AM departure from Los Alamos. Goodbyes were said, hugs given and we pulled out of Kamp Kolman. On the other side of town we stopped to empty the holding tanks and hook the truck to the motorhome. 

Thats the pump during the install, right behind the battery

The first thing that went wrong was the less than one year old $1600.00, yes I typed that correctly, the one thousand six hundred dollar transmission pump once again would not run. Once again I had to resort to tapping on it with a hammer handle to start it spinning. 

Although frustrated, I shook it off and we resumed our departure ritual. Again the gremlins went to work, this time the dash 12 volt receptacles had no power. The transmission pump is a no/go item, we had to fix that, the receptacles I could have run without but chose to fix them here. They power the truck braking monitor, the dash camera, and the Amy (aim me) the GPS.

The brake monitor lets me know the auxiliary braking unit in the truck is working properly, the dash cam is a recording witness in case of an accident, both nice to have but not essential. You may think the GPS would be an important instrument for me. Not so, in fact the relationship between Amy and I is headed for divorce court. I’m trying, but Amy is impossible! I still follow route notes I made the night before.

After spending at least a ½ hour trouble shooting the circuit I discovered the dash receptacles are not powered thru the Ford chassis wiring. They are instead connected to the house wiring. That’s the wiring installed at the Winnebago factory. Next to the doorway there is a master disconnect switch. Its location is a poor one and the slightest tap on the rocker switch will disconnect the power. The power was off at the switch, I’m going to have to make a cover for the rocker switch.

My memesis, Amy the GPS

Finally everything was working and we strapped in and started down the hill. Twenty five miles down the road, Amy and I had our first argument. She wanted me to drive through Santa Fe to merge onto I-25; I wanted to take the relief route around the city. Amy and I may have to go to couples therapy! Millie scolded me, “you do realize it’s just a machine!”

We went my way and soon we were at Albuquerque. After an uncomplicated convergence with I-40 we were whisking our way west. After crossing into Arizona we took one small detour in the town of Holbrook. We drove through town on the old route 66. Many of the old motels have been restored to their former glory and now cater to visitors from all over the world who come by this way as they drive the remnants of the Mother Road.

I have no idea why they call route 66 the Mother Road, I'll have to google that.

In Flagstaff Arizona we stopped for the night in a KOA campground. KOA is Franchise Company, kind of like the Holiday Inn of the camper world.

Oh, I haven’t told you where we’re going. Next stop is Sedona Arizona.

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